Hi. It’s me. Amanda. Welcome to my silly little corner of the internet.
I’m glad you’re here.
Photography found me at the age of sixteen.
No creative path ever spoke to me like film did. The grain. The depth. The joy of captured moments unknown that are kept secret until jumping into a chemical bath, awaiting their birth. Photography grabbed me by the heart said it would be my pal during a time where I felt so alone. That connection took me through college where I learned all the rules, but rarely followed them. Learning how to work within a controlled chaos is how I chose to lay my foundation so my artist self could build a place to live upon it.
That’s the story I want to tell with you.
I want to meet you in your sacred spaces and document your fearless hearts. I want to amplify what makes your controlled chaos so, so beautiful, because it is. Love moves through us all every single day and all its forms are welcome here. Let’s crack jokes together. Talk about music. Share ridiculous stories. Laugh about our kids. Dance to records that are turned up too loud. Honor where you’ve come from and see you at your most vulnerable. All while I’ve got my cameras at the ready to make the life you’re living in this very moment impossible to forget.
Based in Northern California, but excited to travel to you! Just ask about travel rates in your inquiry.
Images by Yan Palmer